Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fair Use Activity

It is important for educators to teach their students how to appropriately use any information or technology they accquire through the internet, reseach, interviews, or the library. Intelectual property is just as important to safe-gaurd as physical property. Teachers should set the example of good reporting practices for their students.

It is important for teachers, especially teachers who require papers or projects, to include several lessons on copyright and plagirism laws and how to uphold academic integrity when creating a project or writing a report. Teachers should regularly cite sources for information, or technological resources during thier daily lectures as an example for their students.

I found several sites that were helpful for teachers in regards to copyright laws and practices: - the website is the official copyright website it explains the laws and keeps a current events and new laws sidebar - the American Library Association website has archives of different copyright legislation - this website has some basic copyright information for the general public

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