Saturday, April 21, 2012

Concept Mapping Activity

Sample Concept Map:



All About Me

My name is Kaylyn Moran.

I am 24 years old.

I have brown hair and I wear glasses. 


I attend Georgia Southern University

I am working on my Masters of Higher Education Administration


My favorite book this semester is "Technoloty Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use" by K. Cennamo, J. Ross, & P. Ertmer


I live in Dublin, GA

Two Brothers

I have an older brother, J.D. and a younger brother, Paul.


I love dogs.

I take care of my neighbor's puppies.

MHSMA.9 - Understanding music in relation to history and culture a. Identify and explain a particular music example’s historical and cultural significance.

b. Compare and evaluate the roles of musicians throughout history.

c. Recognize music’s role in today’s culture.

d. Identify sources of American music genres, trace their evolution, and identify musicians associated with them.

Concept Map to be completed:

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