Parents Connections Page

Hello Parents!

My name is Ms. Moran and I am excited to be teaching such a wonderful group of young people this year.

A little bit about myself:
 I grew up in Dublin GA and graduated from Dublin High School. I grew up singing in church with my family as well as playing the F Horn in my high school marching band. After graduating from Asbury University in 2010 with my bachelor's degree in Music, I spent one year volunteering at a shelter in Chicago. Now I am delighted to be teaching music here at Pinehill Elementary.

In addition to singing and listenting to music, I also enjoy reading, cooking, and spending time with friends.

Below I have posted a seating chart
L. Grant
F. Bishop
H. Noble
H. Grant
K. Clark
T. Holder
B. Nix
I. Wu
M. Elk
P. Hood
B. Trey
E. Daniels
A. Sacs
P. Mas
L. Ray
T. Hall
N. Smith
C. Tom
M. Clark
T. Lee
H. Cho

Please take a moment to view the video introduction!


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